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Corporate Security: Securing Future Talent

New insight from SI Placement and The Clarity Factory

October 7, 2024

Corporate Security: Securing Future Talent is a new insight paper from SI Placement and The Clarity Factory. Read the paper here.

Our study shows that:

Core business skills are a top priority

In today’s volatile world, where corporate security professionals are called upon to work collaboratively across the business as problem solvers and risk managers, two-thirds (62%) of CSOs agree that ‘business/organizational skills are more important than security subject matter expertise’. The key core skills across the function are: communication and influencing, critical thinking and problem solving, broad risk management, and stakeholder engagement.

Diversity is increasing – but there is still work to do

The ‘diversity dividend’ is critical in complex and fast-moving environments, and two-thirds of CSOs (65%) ranked hiring diverse candidates as their top recruitment challenge. The proportion of women in the 44 years and under group is more than twice that in the 55 and over cohort (35% versus 15%), but half of CSOs (49%) have fewer than 25% women on their team. Our survey also suggests racial diversity is decreasing among the younger age groups.

Career backgrounds are shifting

There is a significant shift away from former government backgrounds; while 80% of those 55 years and over have this experience, this drops to 59% for those 44 years and under.

Technology has a growing influence on talent strategies

CSOs ranked technology as the second most important factor influencing talent needs, and one-third (29%) said finding candidates with the right technology skills was one of their top recruitment challenges.

Recruitment best practices

Adjusting your talent strategy to new business demands requires intentional effort and changed practices: if you want to be different, you need to do different. We identify 8 recruitment best practices to help CSOs realize their talent needs.

You can read Corporate Security: Securing Future Talent here.

Read Outsourcing Takes Hold in Corporate Security, another insight from SI Placement and The Clarity Factory.

This insight is part of a major industry-wide study conducted by SI Placement and The Clarity Factory on the future of talent in corporate security. It involved a global survey of corporate security professionals, and interviews with CSOs and C-Suite executives. Further insights will follow on recruitment, retention, professional development, technology, leadership, and more.

SI Placement and The Clarity Factory offer a range of joint services to assist CSOs with their talent strategies. This includes: talent audits, future talent strategy facilitation, staff development and training, compensation reviews, job description reviews, and advice on recruitment needs.

To discuss how SI Placement and The Clarity Factory can assist you, please contact Kathy Lavinder or Rachel Briggs.

Photo by Ana Valdez